

1 . . . guidelines
2 . . . statistics
3 . . . report





<meta name: "ABOUT">

this is a fandomless original character with no association or affiliation with any fandom or community . the lore here was also created by me and also inspired very much from the mercenaries on the mtv show , teen wolf as well as the hunters from the cw’s spn !

<meta name: "MAINTENANCE">

due to the nature and background of my character , this blog is only 18+ and expect darker themes and mentions of sensitive topics to make frequent appearances . other nsfw content such smut may appear on this blog ;
HOWEVER , i will not write smut with anyone who isn't 21+ . all of this will be tagged as such : #trigger / .

<meta name: "WARNINGS">

this blog will be SELECTIVE AND PRIVATE that means i’ll only be interacting with my mutuals . due to past experiences , i’m selective with who i follow . i might take a few days to follow back and if i don't see us interacting , i will most likely sb to avoid any awkward interactions !

<meta name: "FOLLOWING">

my reasons for not following back may vary . some of the


problematic , ties to the krp community , characters from a fandom i'm not familiar with (excluding mumus) , fc chasing/wanted opposites , the writing of a real person (even 'au versions') , are xenophobic , antiblack or disregard/are selective about following/interacting with female muses .
TL;DR : don't be weird <3 .

<meta name: "SHIPPING">

love ships ! no matter what kind !! just don’t force anything ofc . the only thing i won’t do is romantically ship muses with large age gaps as they make me greatly uncomfortable , please respect this ! i also will not age up / down ages of my muses for a ship . but if you feel like our muses have chemistry , feel free to come to me in my ims and we can discuss it !!!

<meta name: "WRITER">

thank you so much for reading ! now that you've made it this far : my name is blossom ( 21 , white , she/they , lesbian ) , i work full time , and i'm in the central timezone . my ims are always open and discord is always available for mutuals !
also , i have a pinterest where i sometimes make boards for my characters right here!



<meta name: "LAYER001">

BIRTH NAME . adam wu
ALIAS . guanting
SPECIES . human
BIRTH DATE . march 11
AGE . 22 verse dependent
GENDER . cis male ( he / him )
ORIENTATION . heterosexual
NATIONALITY . chinese - american
LANGUAGES . english , mandarin

<meta name: "LAYER002">

LOCATION . san jose , california
FAMILY . kyle wu ( younger brother ) , richard wu ( older brother ) , andrew wu ( father ) , krystal wu ( mother )
LIVING CONDITIONS . shared house on campus w/ roommates verse dependent
EDUCATION LEVEL . some college
OCCUPATION . uni student / part time mercenary

<meta name: "LAYER003">

EYE COLOR . dark chocolate brown
HAIR . solid black , length just below eyebrows
HEIGHT . 188 cm / 6’2 ft
WEIGHT . 194 lbs / 87.9 kg
BUILD . lean frame / muscular
SKIN TONE . medium
NOTABLE FEATURES . large eyes , strong nose
USUAL EXPRESSION . neutral , smiling
CLOTHING STYLE . simple ; usually jeans and sports brands

<meta name: "LAYER004">

MBTI . esfp
ENNEAGRAM . type 7 ‘the enthusiast’
MORAL ALIGNMENT . chaotic good
TEMPERAMENT . phlegmatic
QUIRK / S . tends to ramble , says the stupidest shit imaginable
DISPOSITION . caring , dense , outgoing



<meta name: "TIMELINE001">

EARLY LIFE . adam's early childhood was relatively normal and humble , his parents raising him and his brothers without them knowing of the mercenary operations that go on regularly . HOWEVER , upon entering his early teen years , adam was pulled from school to begin schooling at home . and following shortly after that , he began his brutal training that included studying various fighting techniques , weapons and their usage , and survival skills .

TEENAGE YEARS . continuing with his training , adam was now able to go on missions and take on jobs with other mercenaries that worked under the wu family . while his relationship with his younger brother , kyle , was relatively stable , his relationship with his older sibling , richard , grew hostile . with their parents pitting them against one another , it wasn't rare or surprising for adam and richard to break into a spontaneous fight that would usually end in numerous cuts and bruises and , sometimes , even broken bones .

ADULTHOOD . *present after coming of age , adam was told he would be the next on in line to take over the mercenary operations after his father despite not being the oldest . though he was raised in this life , adam didn't want any part of it and declined . though this only resulted in him being kicked out .


when he got himself situated , adam entered college to pursue a normal life . however , that didn't last long because he didn't have much savings and had no way to pay his tuition . so , he decided to pick up jobs through the wu family once again though doing them all on his own this time . they let it , but only let him keep a very small portion of the profit made from the jobs . though it was enough to get him by and he was satisfied with it . it wasn't something he liked doing , but there was nothing else he was good at .

DEATH . just a few years into college , adam fell into a deep depression that led him to drop out of his classes and move back home . after finally agreeing to his family's proposition , they forgave him .
though with a roof over his head now that he wasn't paying for , adam didn't feel any need to pick up any jobs and kept to himself , rarely ever leaving his room and , much less , the house .
this was until his brother , richard , invited him in on a job . during that job , adam could sense something hadn't been right and he was proved correct . they had been set up though neither of them knew why or by who at the time . a sniper began shooting at richard and , in his attempt to save him , adam had put his own life in danger and it ended fatally . richard was alive while adam died in his arms with a bullet in his head .

** available upon request!



the thrill-seeker

<meta name: "LAYER001">

BIRTH NAME . kyle wu
ALIAS . ju-long
SPECIES . human
BIRTH DATE . june 6
AGE . 19
GENDER . cis male ( he / him )
ORIENTATION . bisexual
NATIONALITY . chinese - american
LANGUAGES . english , mandarin limited

<meta name: "LAYER002">

LOCATION . sacramento , california
FAMILY . adam wu ( older brother ) , richard wu ( older brother ) , andrew wu ( father ) , krystal wu ( mother )
LIVING CONDITIONS . lives at home with his parents
EDUCATION LEVEL . high school graduate
OCCUPATION . mercenary

<meta name: "LAYER003">

EYE COLOR . dark brown chocolate
HAIR . dyed brunette , short
HEIGHT . 190 cm / 6’2 ft
WEIGHT . 201 lbs / 91.1 kg
BUILD . lean frame / muscular
SKIN TONE . medium

** available upon request!



the proud elite

<meta name: "LAYER001">

BIRTH NAME . richard wu
ALIAS . zhu
SPECIES . human
BIRTH DATE . november 29
AGE . 23
GENDER . cis male ( he / him )
ORIENTATION . bisexual male preference
NATIONALITY . chinese - american
LANGUAGES . english , mandarin

<meta name: "LAYER002">

LOCATION . sacramento , california
FAMILY . kyle wu ( younger brother ) , adam wu ( younger brother ) , andrew wu ( father ) , krystal wu ( mother )
LIVING CONDITIONS . lives at home with his parents
EDUCATION LEVEL . some college
OCCUPATION . mercenary

<meta name: "LAYER003">

EYE COLOR . dark brown chocolate
HAIR . dyed brunette , short
HEIGHT . 186 cm / 6’1 ft
WEIGHT . 192 lbs / 87 kg
BUILD . lean frame / muscular
SKIN TONE . medium
